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Who are Seventh-day Adventists?

Seventh-day Adventists are a global family of Christians who holds the Bible as the ultimate authority. There are, however, a few distinguishing characteristics that set them apart from many other Christian denominations. They seek to enhance the quality of life for all people in their communities, adhering to the ideals described by the Bible and sharing their faith in God and the church's commitment to bettering all human beings. And most importantly to let people know that Jesus is coming again soon. Learn more...

Image by Aaron Burden

You're Invited

We invite you to join us for Bible study and worship on any Saturday morning. Don't feel like you need to dress up; just wear whatever is most comfortable.

When you arrive at church on a Saturday morning, you might be greeted with a hearty "Happy Sabbath!" That's a traditional Seventh-day Adventist greeting expressing our appreciation for your presence and our gratitude for the sabbath rest this day contains.

9:30 AM

Sabbath School

Our Bible study time on Saturday morning is called "Sabbath School." The first part of the Sabbath school includes mission stories. Throughout the years, Seventh-day Adventists have generously supported missions, spreading the gospel, running development projects to enhance the lives of the less unfortunate, and providing comforting relief in times of suffering.


The second part is where we break into small discussion groups in our study rooms and the main sanctuary. Generally, all classes have an appointed teacher who follows a lesson study guide.


Image by Manny Becerra

11.00 AM

Worship Service

At our worship service, we all come together in the main Sanctuary to sing, pray and hear God's word. There's even a special segment for children. Our music is typically hymns accompanied by organ, piano, and stringed instruments. The service typically lasts sixty minutes, sometimes no later than 12.30 pm.

If you want to connect with someone for prayer or conversation, stick around after service.  If you just want to stay seated as everyone leaves, one of our leaders will come up and meet you for an opportunity to get to know you better.

6.00 PM


We meet in the main sanctuary to sing, pray, hear testimonies and discuss various bible study subjects. Occasionally, we invite guest speakers to present to help keep the mind refreshed in the word of God.

1.00 PM

Please feel free to join us for a vegetarian/vegan fellowship meal every first Sabbath (Saturday) of each month at our community center. We would love to have your company. 




Vegetables for Roasting


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308 S. Mattis Avenue, Champaign, IL 61821


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